Singer, Marilyn. 2010. Mirror Mirror. Ill. Jose'e Masse. New York: Penguin. ISBN 9780525479017
Mirror Mirror by Marilyn Singer is an illustrated picture book of reversable verse. Each two page layout presents a classic fairy tale told from two points of view with the second poem a mirror image of the first starting at the last word and ending at the first or the original poem. The unique format of reverse verse is entertaining and surprising.
The unique format of this work makes the poems both exciting and highly entertaining. The familiar fairy tales told from two different perspectives give the reader an excellent from of reference to draw upon while reading. Singer uses short poems full of imagery in order to paint a picture of a story and help to convey meaning. The language selection helps to tell the tales from both sides. Careful consideration is paid to punctuation in each version of the poem to enhance clarity and meaning.
Enhancing Singer's poems are the wonderful painted illustrations by Jose'e Masse. The use of light and dark to convey the two sides to the accompanying poems are lovely. The bright colors enhance the pictures fairy tale appeal.
Starred review- School Library Journal
Starred review- Booklist
Starred review- Kirkus
2011 Bluebonnet book club selection
An ALA Notable
Cybil Award in Poetry
nominee for the Texas Bluebonnet Award
*Have children discuss point of view and two sides to each story
*Try your hand at writing a reverse verse poem
*visit the author's website http://www.marilynsinger.net/
*explore point of view in fairy tales (lesson plan @ http://www.readwritethink.org/parent-afterschool-resources/activities-projects/explore-point-view-fairy-30148.html)
Read more books by Marilyn Singer
Rewrite a fairy tale from a different point of view either in verse or short story form.
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